Compute the total number of days in a month

Given the date field as mm-yyyy, is there a simple way to compute the total number of days in the month?

I have a series as 01-2021, 02-2021, 03-2021 etc. I wanted to compute # of days as 31, 28, 31 etc.

Hi @Arvind_Shastry - I believe there is NO direct function available which can tell total days of a month. You can create a calculated field, only trick part is the Feb month, remaining months, days are fixed. Try to explore if else statement and create a calculated field for the same.

Hi @David_Wong @Naveed @Biswajit_1993 - Any expert advise on this?

Regards - Sanjeeb


Hi @Arvind_Shastry - You can use convert the field into date and use dateDiff on it to get the number of days in the month. See calcs below.

Derived Date
parseDate(concat('01-',{Month-Year String}),'dd-MM-yyyy')

Days in Month
dateDiff({Derived Date}, addDateTime(1,'MM',{Derived Date}), 'DD')

This will be calculated at each data record level. So, it can be included in dataset and can be pre-calculated if you are using SPICE. Since we are using dateDiff, we will get right results for leap years as well.

Iā€™m marking this as solution to your question. Please let us know if you have further questions.

Arun Santhosh


This is an awesome solution @ArunSanthosh .Thank you so much for the details.

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Most welcome @Sanjeeb2022

Arun Santhosh

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Thank you for this. I have to find monthly run rate of current month.
That will be daily average of current month/no of days of current month. How can I write a dynamically changing formula? The data is refreshed daily.
Appreciate your help