hey it showing error while concating integer colum with string and % sign
Hi @Siddhi_21 ,
did you try to use the toString function to cast the integer to a string?
Best regards,
already tried it…but throwing error… the string column countain blanks too
Is it possible for you to use the concat function without aggregating it?
concat({Sig Notations}, toString(Integer), “%”)
throwing errr coz of blank
Hi @Siddhi_21 - Is it resolved? If not, please share some sample record and expected output so that it can be replicated and advise accoringly?
hey @Sanjeeb2022 can u check above msg …data sample already shared
i want integer column and sig column of table to concate along with % sign there are some blanks into sig column i converted it into 0
Hi @Siddhi_21 ,
If you want help from us you have to deliver us informations and not only repeating the same sentence four times. And screenshots of what you tried and the error messages are needed.
Nevertheless here is a formula that may help you. In case you changed the empty SIG column to zeros you also need a toString function here.
toString(Integer), toString(SIG), "%"
Best regards,
isNull(toString(Integer))," ",
this is the calculation i had written gives accurate ans in column but when pulling it into value only giving 1
@Nico can u plz look into it and lemme know whats an error into it
in value it shows figures not texts/strings. QuickSight counts the amount of values in that row when you put it there, thats why you receive the 1s.
You can use tables to do so. But in pivot it is not possible.
Best regards,
but i need it to pivot table…can we use switch and nd inistialise alnhabhet with no like a-1 b-2 kinda…plz look into this @Nico
Hi @Siddhi_21,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you; did you have any additional questions?
If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic.
Thank you
Hi @Siddhi_21,
Since we haven’t heard back, I’ll close out this topic. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new post in the community and link this discussion for relevant information if needed.
Thank you!