When I am trying to format a cell based on conditions (conditional formatting), there is an option to use customized icons. The prompt indicates it must be a valid unicode glyph. I tried to paste different unicode glyphs and they are all coming up as invalid. Can you tell me the format of what needs to be entered or a list of what is available?
Hi Max. I hope its okay that I am coming into this conversation so late. I am stuck having the same problem. I am trying to get the icons $ and % in my conditional formatting settings for a KPI box, so that depending on the metric that is chosen via a Parameter and Control, the correct icon will display in the KPI box.
I keep getting the error that I have entered an invalid unicode glyph. I have tried U+0025, 0025, U0025, 25, etc. as well as entering the % symbol into the field but keep getting the “invalid unicode glyph” error. (same goes for $)