Connect to Redshift & QuickSight with IAM

Hi Natarajan, I was looking at your demo from youtube, and we want to establish connection between our QS and Redshift using IAM. From the documentation I noticed this feature is currently supported when Redshift and QS are in same account.

In our use-case Redshift and QS are in separate AWS account. Our QS is a central account used by ~20+ teams with ~40 Redshifts from various AWS accounts (different from QS account). What are the timelines for cross account support for this feature?

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You need a VPC to connect the cross account.

Naveed Ali

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I didn’t follow your suggestion. Can you please explain.

FYI, our QS is deployed in a private VPC and we have VPC connection created to allow teams to connect via VPC peering or Managed endpoints support already


I am talking about the cross the account peering between two regions for accessing the Redhishit from different Quicksight account.

After creating the peering between account source(Redshift) and target(QS). Create QS db connection and give the Peering VPC to connect to Redshift( in other region).

Maybe this help you.
