CountIf Syntax Error

Let say i have this table, with a field called as is_active that indicate the user as an active user. The problem is, i want to count the active and inactive user using this logic, active = 0 and inactive = 1.
I use countIf({id}, {is_active} = ‘0’) but there is syntax error for this functions. My data type for is_active is tinyint. Can i get the solution for this?

name, id is_active
melissa 14 0
martis 22 1
pharsa 83 1
fredrin 84 0
franco 65 1

hi @hisyamdarwis

if is_active is tinyint, the calc filed should be : countIf({id}, {is_active}=0).

kind regards,

name, id is_active
melissa 14 0
martis 22 null
pharsa 83 null
fredrin 84 0
franco 65 1

If i use countIf({id}, {is_active}=0), the output will count the NotNull value. I want to count is_active = ‘1’. But the error still a syntax error

Are you setting it equal to ‘1’? That is a string.

Try setting it =1