Create custom regions/territories using .shp files like tableau

Can we create custom regions/territories using .shp files like its done in tableau?

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Hi @akhilabaddam1 - Welcome AWS QuickSight community and thanks for posting your question. Can you please give some more details or screenshot, you are looking for. I am also tagging some experts to help you as well.

Hi @Ramon_Lopez @SD_QS - Kindly advise on this.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Hi @akhilabaddam1

Currently we do not support this.

We are exploring capabilities to address this requirement, as brought up by various other customers.

If you would like me to add to our customer influence or validate alignment with what we are building, please share specifics about your use case, company info and journey in QuickSight via direct message and happy to document and support.


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