Create datetime parameter with granularity "week"

Hi team.

I´m trying to create a parameter with granularity of week to introduce in a text box but the options only consider day, hour, minute and second. Do you know how to introduce as week number only for a text box?


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Hello @eedmundo, currently, the week number is not an available option for a datetime parameter. I think the best work-around to this issue would be to set an Integer parameter and then a calculated field to convert the week date field into an int and check if it equals the value set by the parameter. Or you could create a field on the dataset layer running that conversion and connect that directly to the parameter controlled filter.

I can also mark this topic as a feature request, to add the week granularity option to the Datetime parameter dropdown. Let me know if you have any follow-up questions, I hope this helps!

Hello @eedmundo, since we have not heard back from you with any follow-up questions on this issue, I will archive the feature request for our support team. Thank you!