Creating a dataset using S3 and using a csv for row level security in a parameter linked to a filter


I am creating a dataset using S3 and can successfully upload the dataset to QuickSight. Below is the JSON manifest script:


"fileLocations": [
        "URIs": [
"globalUploadSettings": {
    "format": "CSV",
    "delimiter": ",",
    "textqualifier": "'",
    "containsHeader": "true"


I am using a CSV file as the dataset for a parameter, which is called out in the manifest. It contains two headings and I would like to use multiple values under the second heading. I’ve referenced this documentation: User based rules

I’ve tried every combination of single quotes, double quotes, spaces/no spaces but each time I upload the data from s3 to QuickSight the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. values under the 2nd column heading do not appear.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Hi @Matthew_Whalen

so what you are saying is, that you can’t use the following syntax?



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Hi Erik,

Yes, correct - that syntax isn’t working for me and I was wondering if it was somehow linked to the JSON manifest.


the result I get using that syntax is “”"Enterprise

I found a solution by deleting the “textqualifier”: “'”, in the JSON! Thank you.