Creating a filter that uses only "AND" instead of "AND/OR"

Hello, I am looking for insight on how I may be able to create a filter that only uses “AND” and not “AND/OR”. In this screenshot, I box in the values I only want to see. I only want to see the locations where both have dates. The filter currently gives me values regardless of if the other column is empty or not.
I also have over 20 different columns/values that can be selected in the multi-select dropdown. The front end user should be able to select which ever or how ever many solutions/values they want and locations where all values are TRUE should be shown.

Thank you in advance for any help/advice!

Hi @Matteo_Franco and Welcome to the QuickSight community!

You can accomplish this by creating a calculated field that you’ll then use as your filter. For the calculated field, we will determine that if both T-Stat and HVAC have a date, it will determine that row as ‘yes’.

ifelse(isNotNull({T-Stat}) AND isNotNull({HVAC}), "Yes", "No")

Now we’ll setup the filter using that newly created calc. field. Set the filter condition to ‘Equals’
and the value as ‘Yes’ and null options will be ‘exclude nulls’.

Let me know if this works for your solution or if you have any additional questions!

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Hi @Matteo_Franco.
Checking in to see if you have any additional questions or if my solution helped for your case.

If we do not hear back within 3 business days, I’ll go ahead and mark as solved.

Thank you!