Daily average distinctcount (LAC?, AvgOver?)

Here is the translation of your text into English:

“Good evening, I need my data to show the daily average of this indicator, the counts are distinctcountif. In the case of the image, for example, the final result should be 0.84%, not 1.49%. I would also like this value to appear in the charts, and when I change the aggregation of the chart to daily, the value for that specific day should appear. In the table, the result for the day is correct, but the ‘total’ (monthly result) should be the average of the days in that month. I tried using SumOver divided by the distinct days, but it didn’t work. Do you have any idea what I should do?”

Hi @Lucas1,

Are you totals for Count 1 and Count 2 correct?

Can you share your calculated fields for Count 1 and Count 2?

The totals are not relevant in the monthly total, so there wouldn’t be a right or wrong; it is only relevant when I look at the daily result, in which case it is correct. For the month, quarter, or year, it will always be the average of the daily result.
Count 1: distinct_countIf({cpf_cnpj}, column1=‘sim’ AND {column2}=‘PF’ AND column3=‘Life’)
Count 2: distinct_countIf({cpf_cnpj}, {column2}=‘PF’)