Dashboard "presentation mode"

I use multiple QuickSight dashboards as part of presentations I give and then send on as a pdf to customers. Is there anything on the road map to have a “presentation mode” i.e. A space where I can maybe drag and drop dashboards where I can then go through one dashboard at a time as a bespoke presentation?

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Hi @garethgw,

Welcome to the QuickSight Community and thank you for attending the QuickSight Learning Series webinar “What’s New in QuickSight - re:Invent Recap”.

Thanks for your question, your feedback helps AWS build a better service. Our roadmap is primarily driven by our customers, so I will note this in our internal feature request tracker.

To explore this further, would the feature support movement between dashboards in the “presentation” without leaving the dashboard view, for example by adding navigation buttons to move through dashboards, for example “next” & “previous”?

Many Thanks,

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The feature would be amazing if it was in a page by page format. If the filters stayed live or at least the option to update the data so that the presentation is reusable say week to week or month to month etc again I could see this being an amazing feature when it comes to presenting the data to a customer/internally.

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