Data Bars in Tables/Pivot Table

Hi Team,

Have several questions regarding the data bars.

  1. I only see the data bars option available under visuals for table. Can we expect the same feature for pivot table as well?
  2. Say my table has two columns, one is test segment (control and test group), and the other one is the count of each group. How to use different colors across test segments when adding data bars in the count column ?


@mmmzzss, will flag this as a feature request to add the data bars to pivot table visuals. Even though no data bars available for pivot table, have you explored the conditional formatting and use the bar icons as an alternate option.

On table visual you can edit the data bars from properties pane to set the color for a selected field.

Hi there,

Currently I don’t think bar icons suit my needs since its requirement is numeric but mine is more like a string. Say the table below. I am trying to differentiate the control and test figures in the 3rd column by color.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Program 1 Control 100
Program 1 Test 50
Program 2 Control 70
Program 2 Test 36

Yeah, I tried this one, and the color is same for the whole column across rows, which is a bit different from what I am looking for.

@mmmzzss, in this use case will conditional formatting on column three will be helpful. I understand your comments about not being able to select different colors in case of data bars and will flag that as a feature request. Also if you want to use the bar icons for a string column, one approach you can try is creating a calculated column that assigns a numeric value to corresponding string values though this will be practical if you have small set of unique values.Then you can use the newly created numeric column to apply conditional formatting with bar icons.

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