Dataset Parameters


I have a dataset called “Order_Statuses” that includes among other fields, a field called “osts_profile”.

The “Order_Statuses” data set is used for two different datasets.

Each of them should have a different “ost_profile”.

I want to optimize the process and reduce the information that goes to each of the two data sets that are used “Order_Status”, so I created a parameter for the “osts_profile”, so that i could implement different “osts_profile” values by the custom_SQL for any of them.

Unfortionatlly i dont success to do it, because when I add the “Order_Statuses” dataset, I have no access to custom SQL.

Could anyone help me with that?



Hi Noy,

so you are joining two datasets in Quicksight correct? And ost_profile has different values?

I think you can filter the dataset after the join, so you dont need the custom SQL for this.


Hi @thomask
Thats correct. And you are right, I can filter after the join- but I want to join only the right values because join and that filter are expensive and not effective.

@Noys ,

Were you able to solve the requirement with dataset parameters ? . Documentation on dataset parameters ( Using dataset parameters in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight ) , do check the limitations .

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Hello @Noys and @thomask !

@Noys were you able to resolve this or was @thomask 's suggestions helpful? If so could you either post your solution or mark one of the comments above as a solution to help the community?