Dataset Refresh Error

Hi All, when I trying to refresh the dataset, I am getting this error: (500310) Invalid operation: Query (37968346) cancelled by WLM abort action of Query Monitoring Rule “MemoryUsage”

Details: ----------------------------------------------- error: Query (37968346) cancelled by WLM abort action of Query Monitoring Rule “MemoryUsage”. code: 1078 context: Query (37968346) cancelled by WLM abort action of Query Monitoring Rule “MemoryUsage”. query: 0 location: wlm_query_action.cpp:160 process: wlm [pid=1073741890] -----------------------------------------------;

Same query is running fine in a different dataset


Looks like your Redshift cluster has WLM querying monitoring activated and it is aborting the query. You can find more information here WLM query monitoring rules.

You can contact your Redshift cluster administrator to look at the rules and find out why your query is passing the predefined limits.


Thank you. Administrator was able to help!