Dataset with parameters not supported for SPICE


I am running into an error while loading my dataset visual as attached here. When switching to SPICE ingestion, I see that it’s not supported for SPICE. Additional details below for your reference -

  • I am ingesting a large dataset (~90 GB) using custom SQL and using 4 parameters in the where clause. These parameters are linked to a custom action (and mapped to parameters in the visual) that navigate from tab to another tab based on the values passed in the parameters.
  • Few of the parameters are string type and datetime

Could you please advise on how to ingest this dataset or is it possible to switch to SPICE with parameters in custom SQL.

Thank you!

Hi @malipree,

I believe your only option is to remove the parameters from your dataset because they’re only supported in direct query.

Thanks for your response @David_Wong
Would you have any recommendations for workarounds for this. Below some more details of what I am trying to achieve -

I have 2 sheets Sheet A (weekly level data) and Sheet B (daily level data). I want to pass parameters from Sheet A and filter Sheet B based on the values passed from Sheet A. I achieve this by creating parameters in the visual and dataset parameters in the daily data (and add a where clause with the dataset parameters to filter daily data). I use a custom action with the created parameters that help the user to navigate from Sheet A to Sheet B (Sheet B will only have data filtered based on the parameters passed by Sheet A).
The issue is the large size of daily level data, thus necessitating the use of SPICE ingestion. Is there an alternative to achieve this custom action and filtering without using parameters in the custom SQL for filtering?

Any advice would be helpful, thanks!