Date format

Hey team,

I have a date field A
I want to to get output as Jan-2004, Mar-1987.
And this should also be in date format after the output. How can I do this ?

Hi @karvsha

Do you want to just display date filed in ‘MMM-YYYY’ format or will it be used for any other scenario ?

If its only for display and retain as date field, you can update the custom formatting of the field as shown below

Update custom format

date-format field is displayed in “MMM-YYYY” format

Hey thank you for replying but I want this as output so it can be used on other calculations as well. Not just for display.

Hello @karvsha and @Ashok !

For this have you tried using formatDate?

Hello @karvsha and @Ashok !

It has been some time sine we have heard from you but would still like to help you find a solution. If we do not hear from you in the next 3 business days this topic will be archived.