Datetime with milliseconds Issues when exporting to csv

Our MySQL database tables contains datetime fields captures up to milliseconds, We are able to display up to seconds but we are unable to display milliseconds. Though we can use toString() function to display, exported files have the issues with the datetime fields.

What can we do to display in date format up to milliseconds and exported files should also populate in the same format?


At the backend column datatype must be timestamp. You can use this format

Hi Naveed, Thanks for your quick reply.
We can use that to display up to seconds but we want to display milli seconds in datetime format


Note: I have used toString() function to display but that is not properly exporting to csv

Hi, here is my values in QS and I exported it into cvs.

it’s working for me on Mac book. I am using the Number editor in it.


could you try this?

change the aggregate of the value to Second and add “.SSS” in the format like “HH:mm:ss.SSS”

I dont have data with miliseconds, so I get “.000”, but maybe your date will be displayed properly

If this does not work, you should write a support ticket in your system, that this should be added as a feature request.

Yeah. When I open that in text file that is showing me correct values, may be problem with reading on excel. But displaying up to milliseconds with out using toString() function is still problem. Thank you.

It’s not working. It’s showing 0’s for me as well. I should raise support ticket as you said. Thank you for the suggestion.

Was this support ticket ever resolved? I also am seeing only zeroes in the millisecond portion of my datetime fields when formatting and adding .SSS

Has this still not been fixed? I have timestream data being used in a dashboard that goes down to the millisecond, but all data shows as .000 for the millisecond portion

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