Default region new user


we created users in eu-west region and a group in the us-east region where the users are added.

We invited users with an email from QuickSight simple AD.

A dashbooard is available in the eu-west region but when users log in for the first time they don’t see the dashboard while they are in the us-east region. I do think that we didn’t had this issue with our first users. Any idea how I can make the users region deault to eu-west ?


Have you tried changing the group to be eu-west?

Or creating a new group in eu-west and inviting from their?

groups can, as far as I know, only be created in the us-east ( N Virginia ) region. These groups can be used in all the QuickSight regions

Hi Christian, To change default region, have the user click on the right top human icon.
Then select the region from the drop down. This should solve the issue for the subsequent logins aswell. Let us know if this solved the issue.

@knamburi Thanks but we are aware of this possibility but we want that the end-user starts in our region being the region where his account was made and were the dashboard is available. Some users do start in our region and others not. We do not see why and can’t change it. Made a support call for this.

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@knamburi - You are correct, when a user is not able to see dashboard and reports that intend for the specific region, users needs to change the region for the first time and subsequent logins will be set to the default region. I believe the subsequent logins will hit to cloudfont and it will automatically set the user to the desired region. However by saying that @christian , if you will get the desired solution, please share us so that we can understand this. I observed sometimes the region is set default to US ones and we have to set the desired region manually ( applicable to AWS management console as well).

Regards - San

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Please find here the answer from support … we closed the case

“The redirection from AWS console is unfortunately only points to and not the regional endpoints.”

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Thank you @christian for sharing the reply from support.

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