Disable and/or clean up demo data

As an administrator of many accounts, I do not want to see the demo data sets and analyses in every new account and have to clean it up.

I wish there was a global setting per AWS account or QS account that would allow me to disable demo data created during registration or thereafter in the account settings.

Or at least a single button click that would remove all demo data and leave account in a pristine state.

This demo data just pollutes the UI with stuff that most users do not want to see more than once.

Hi @m0ltar : Thanks for the question, if you want to delete the data sets, analysis of demo, you can use boto3 API and automate this process. A python program can be developed and use boto3 QuickSight APIs, an automation can be done. Please find the QuickSight Boto3 API documentation link below.


Hope this information will help you.

Regards - San

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Hi San,

I understand that I can create my own solution to deal with this problem.

But this poses a few problems:

  1. I need to develop this solution and maintain it.
  2. The solution cannot be reliably made, as there is no way to target the resources needing deletion. In some cases, we can target them by name, but what if there is a resource with an identical name created by an end user? After all, these resource names are rather generic.
  3. This solution needs to run all the time, on schedule, or some event-based script, as these resources get added for each new user, or an admin user, I am not sure. But they certainly get created more than once per account.
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Hi @m0ltar - Agreed and all your points valid. You can develop an utility where account can be passed as an argument and it will be executed once when the account is set up. This will ensure when an user will create a new data set with demo data set, there will be no problem. Lots of cloud automation can be done with boto3 API and i actually did some of them :slight_smile:

by saying that, please raise a ticket to AWS ( Link - Creating support cases and case management - AWS Support) if they can add a feature like ( whether user needs demo data set or not during account creation) which will help all of us. At present such feature is not available ( not 100% sure) , but AWS can confirm you .

Regards - San