We are trying to do an audit on the user’s access to our dashboards. Is there a way to display the list of dashboards/analyses that a user has access to? From the list of users on the manage users page, I can only see roles, password reset and remove user options.
Currently, we have around a hundred dashboards and it would take a lot of time if we will check each dashboard sharing access one by one.
Hi Ceslo - This functionality isn’t available via the UI. You should be able to use the SearchDashboards and SearchAnalysis API’s for this. Note that it won’t retrieve all dashboards and analysis that they have access to, only the ones they have ownership rights to.
@danny Are there any updates on obtaining the list of dashboards for the specific user? Have we found a solution, or is the information still unavailable?
I agree that knowing ownership is not sufficient. We have users assigned to different groups. Being able to know the whole picture of what they have access to is part of managing our system. It’s cumbersome to manage without having traceability for viewers as well.