Is the amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk needed? I used an iframe in my react application with the src attribute set as the url I got from a lambda that generated the embed url and it mostly works. The lambda function is triggered in a useEffect with an empty array as the 2nd argument so that it fires on mount. What is the advantage of me using the embedding sdk?
Hello @adrian.greksa , welcome to the Quicksight community!
Some of the advantages to using the embedding SDK center around the fact that you can do everything programmatically (such as format or change visuals), track dashboard users interactions (like clicks, data refreshes, etc…), as well as security features.
Also, with the SDK you don’t have to go through the extra step of using the Lambda, you can get the embedding URL directly from the SDK. and you get the additional features of programmatically using parameters.
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Thanks, really helpful. It seems very complex and will add unnecessary complexity to my already complex react app. I’ll stick with creating an embed url from a lambda and fetching it until I need some more features.
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