Download this demo dataset to use in our sessions on April 30 and May 2

Download the dataset on github here → on the github page, click the download button to get the raw file onto your desktop

This dataset contains anonymous dummy data on marketing metrics from advertising spending. The fields include:

  • Account information: Account ID, Account Name
  • Ad information: Ad format, Ad ID, Ad name, Campaign ID, Campaign name
  • Post performance metrics: Clicks- Impressions, Outbound clicks, Page engagement, Page likes, Photo views, Post comments, Post engagement, Post reactions, Post saves, Reach, Video plays, Click through rate, Video average play time
  • Spending metrics: Amount spent (in 1000s), Estimated Ad recall lift- Cost per 1000 impressions, Cost per page engagement, Cost per 1000 reached, Cost per click, Cost per page like, Cost per photo view, Cost per post comment, Cost per post engagement, Cost per post reaction , Cost per post save, Cost per video play
  • Business outcomes: Bid strategy, Buying type, Objective
  • Date information: Created date, Starts, Ends, Report date