Dyanamic Row selector in a Table

I have a table with 25 metrics (rows) and 1 column (value). How can we give users the power to choose the relevant metrics to display in the table ?

In the post from 2022, there was a comment by a Quicksight member that this is a feature being worked on. Checking in to see if this is available

Create a filter to choose the values/metrics fields in a pivot table

Hi @nishja ,

welcome to the community :slight_smile:

You can use a parameter to solve this. You should use a string parameter, filled with the names of your metrics.
Lets say your column with the 25 metrics is called “metrics” and your measure in the value column is called “value”.

ifelse({metrics} = "parameter1", {value}, NULL)))

or you use the sumif function:

sumIf({value}, {metrics} = "parameter1")

You can find the information about setting up a parameter here:
Setting up Parameters

Best regards,

Hi @nishja,
We have not heard back from you in a while, I will go ahead and mark Nico’s response as the correct solution. If you have any follow up questions, feel free to create a new topic for discussion.

Thank you!