There is a field CurrencyCode to represent the corresponding currency code e.g. USD for each country.
How can I format total (Sum) with the corresponding currency symbol using the field CurrencyCode?
Hi @lbl,
Apologies, but this functionality isn’t currently supported. As a workaround, you can create a calculated field to convert the number into a string and concatenate it with the corresponding currency symbol. This method works well in a standard Table visualization. However, it won’t work in a Pivot Table since the calculated result is a string, and only numerical values can populate the inner cells of a Pivot Table.
I have tagged this post as a feature request.
Example: (Replace the fields from your dataset)
CurrencyCode = 'USD', '$',
CurrencyCode = 'EUR', '€',
CurrencyCode = 'GBP', '£',
CurrencyCode = 'JPY', '¥',
CurrencyCode = 'INR', '₹',
concat({CurrencySymbol}, toString(sum(Sales)))
Hi @lbl,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you on this thread and while this has already been tagged as a feature request, I wanted to follow up to see if you had any additional notes to add.
If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.
Thank you!
Hi @lbl,
Since we have not heard back, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new post in the community and link this discussion for relevant information if needed.
Thank you!