Dynamic Prefix or other ways to enable multi-currency reporting

Hi all,

Months or maybe even years ago I already posted a similar query and I see a few questions from other forum members about related problems.
We show embedded Quicksight reports to customers in different countries having different currencies. We would like to show monetary values dynamically with the correct currency symbol right in the same field as the value.

In my opinion, an elegant solution for that would be to allow the use of parameters for Prefix/Suffix in the “Format data” section.
I have seen that QuickSight allows the use of parameters in more and more places (titles, field names etc.) Is there a chance that we will see this option for prefix/suffix anytime soon?
Or another feature that solves my problem?

If there is no solution to this, I will eventually I have to look at one of the less preferred options: either making cost/revenue numbers stand out less (not using currency symbols at all or adding them as a dimension to the table) or managing almost identical copies of the same dashboards just with different currency symbols.
Turning monetary values from values to dimensions (=turning them into a string) is no alternative because we want to show totals as well.

Kind regards,

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@bernhard.boehm - This is a great feature request, there is still no way to parametrize the currency symbol in the formatting pane.

However, I don’t think you have to have duplicate dashboards. The workaround may still not be “elegant” and will increase your maintenance effort (I know from experience, this can be a pain to manage).

If you use Free-form layout and Visual Rules you can layer copies of the visual and use a parameter to show/hide the N versions you have with the different currency symbols.

This post is a good primer on how to use the show/hide Hide visual based on filters - #4 by robdhondt

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Hi Rob, that’s a great workaround. I did not consider using the Hide visual feature in this way. Thank you!

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