Dynamic visibility of filters based on selection

Hi Everyone,
I have three filters.

  1. Country
  2. State
  3. City

I want to achieve the below scenario.
For example: the state filter should display value related to India when “India” is selected from the country filter. Likewise, the city filter should be visible when a specific state, such as “Kerala,” is chosen from the state filter. Otherwise, need the city filter to be hidden.

that is the “State” filter needs to be appeared only after selecting a country and the “City” filter needs to be appeared only after selecting a state.

Is this is Possible to achieve? Kindly please help.

Hello Vidhya,

Welcome to the QS community.

As far as i know Dynamic visibility of the filters based on parent filter is not possible. However, you could use cascading filter option to show show the relevant values of the chosen filter.

for more info - Creating cascading filters - Amazon QuickSight
you may also refer to this old post to get some ideas. - Filtering by state and hospital - #2 by Biswajit_1993

hope this helps.


Thank you for the reply.

i am having the same issue ,
I have 2 filters User / Region and also i have applied RLS

below is RLS
User 01 Region01
User 02 Region02
User 03 Region03

When i Select User01 it filters Region01

But then when User02 Opens the Dashbord it shows default selected User01 / Region01
and when i click on DropDown and select User02 it updates the filter ,

So basically i want my RLS To update the filters.