Email Alerts

Good day,

Is it possible to configure a QS dashboard in such a way that one user is notified (pref via email) and then gives signoff (pref via email) that a particular report is sound for distribution

Hi @Fractal

Could you please share additional context of this usecase …

  1. Are you looking for a worklfow to support developers modify/creates Dashboard and CoE Lead to approve and grants dashboard access to required business users ?
  2. Are you looking for a feature to send email alerts when a metric exceeds threshold value ?

Hi apjvinod

So basically I have three users of one report. I am exploring a KPI & setted up an email alert where if the report date is equal today then the owner gets an email alert to sanity check the report. Idea being that thereafter the report is now sound for usage by the other two users. I was just wondering if there is some other simpler, or standard ways to do this

Hello @Fractal in order to create a validation workflow for dashboards between users in QuickSight you will need to use APIs and automation.

At the moment QuickSight doesn’t support implementing native collaboration/sign off via the console.

Here you can find an article that shows how to create a CI/CD strategy in QuickSight where you first create your dashboard in development, then it is promoted to a preproduction account for validation and, once validated and approved it is deployed to production for consumption (in this case the owner of the validation receives a notification to perform such validation).

Hope it helps.

Thank you for posting into the QS community!