Embed URL with condition

Hi all - Do we have any boto3 api available where we can generate the embed url for a dashboard and pass filter to the dashboard so that user can see related details from the dashboard.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Hey @Sanjeeb2022! In regards to passing in a filter on an embedded dashboard, the easiest way to achieve this is if you build your filter based on a parameter value, and then pass that value in with the embedded URL. It looks like this: #p.myParameter=12345 and you can add it on after the dashboardID.

Otherwise, you would probably have to update the dashboard definition through the API before requesting a new embedded url for the dashboard with the new filter added.

Thanks @DylanM . Let me give a try on this and see whether we can pass parameter to the embed dashboard URL.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Hi @Sanjeeb2022,

Check out this YouTube video. I put the relevant timestamp in the URL for you.

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Hello @Sanjeeb2022, did our responses help guide you towards a solution that works for your use case? Feel free to mark my response as the solution, otherwise let me know if you have any follow-up questions. Thank you and good luck!

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Thank you @DylanM and @David_Wong . I am yet to explore the solution provided by both of you. For now, we can close this issue.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Sounds great @Sanjeeb2022! Keep us posted while you continue testing this out and I am happy to assist in any way I can. Thank you!