Note that I had also removed the sumOver from the calculation, as otherwise I would have received the same aggregated value for all of my customers within the same Industry+Product combination - which is usually not what you want when trying to rank to find the Top N entries. If your use case is different, please don’t hesitate to share it with us.
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but it doesn’t seem to work for my visualization. I’m trying to create a new field which returns the ‘name_detail’ (if less/equals than top), else ‘Others’. Then use the new field in donut chart below (replace name_detail), so that when users adjust the ‘Top’ Filter, the chart will also change to display the name of the Top N products only (otherwise, product name will be ‘Others’)
As custom aggregation fields are currently not supported as a dimension, the approach mentioned above does not work with that chart type. To still get a dynamic filter for top N elements in that visual, you could implement a simple rank field and then use that to filter out all items that don’t fall within the top N elements. You would then only miss a direct indication of how much went into the “Other” category.
Depending on your datasource, you might also be able to leverage a dataset parameter in combination with a custom SQL query (see example) and add the “top X elements” logic into that query instead. This would allow you to still get all rows that sit outside the top elements grouped into an “Others” bucket.
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