I have updated column/field names in AWS Glue in a database which i am using in quicksight. Did a simple change from applicantID to caseID. However when i refresh the dataset in quicksight, it fails it giving the following error:
How can i update the field/column names in AWS Glue without having issues in quicksight. i.e. update the column names once at the top and that waterfalls down and changes the rest, instead of having to go up the hierarchy and change each one.
Changes performed on the AWS Glue data catalog level do not automatically update any of your datasets or connected analyses/dashboards. How to best handle such updates also strongly depends on your use case and desired behavior. You can use the QuickSight Consoles (UI) or QuickSight’s APIs to edit and update your dataset so that it contains the new field instead. Just note that you would also have to update dependent analyses/dashboards, as those might still refer to a field that no longer exist.
If your goal is to create a very loose coupling between QuickSight and the meta data from the AWS Glue data catalog, you can use QuickSight’s custom SQL feature, which would also allow you to rename columns at the level of the dataset without effecting dependent analyses/dashboards. However, once the meta data in the AWS Glue data catalog is updated, you would still need to adjust the custom SQL query to reflect the change.
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