Export All tabs as PDF at once

Can QuickSight dashboard tabs be exported to PDF all at once, similar to how PowerBI does it (with each page belonging to one tab)?

Hi @ali.ahmad this feature is not available now you need to download as separately.

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Can we try to create a paginated report and try to download it, possibly it will solve your problem… As per paginated page functionality, you can download as well but it may cost additionally. Have a look on the link - Working with paginated reports in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight

Regards - San

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Thank you for the suggestion to try creating a paginated report and downloading it. However, in my use case, I have multiple tabs in my QuickSight dashboard and I want to export them all as a single PDF file. I then plan to use a script to convert the PDF file into a PPTX file.

@ali.ahmad - Thanks for more details… while we will explore the solution from our side, can you please a ticket to aws quicksight team so that they can also help you out.

Regards - San

HI @Sanjeeb2022 , @DeepakS - I read this thread and also another thread (Sheet/Dashboard export into multiple page pdf) and googled this topic. It seems to be raised in 2022 and there is an API but for paginated but most interested in the Interactive sheet w/this feature.

  1. What’s the ETA for this feature with Interactive sheet?
  2. If not feature yet, is there a workaround w/an API to to do this externally w/interactive sheet?
  3. Is there a way to create an action in the interactive sheet to Export to PDF?
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