Export with CSV option on Quicksight changing the underlying data format

I have a table on Quicksight that the stakeholders can Export to excel or CSV to perform additional deep dives. But due to limitation for no.of rows that can be exported in Excel the team would export to CSV. But in CSV the columns that contains the tracking id information that is a varchar datatype with the content like 00793535000007201815 and when exported is converted to 7.93535E+17. If 7.93535E+17 is converted to number in CSV ends up truncating the last digits and adding 00 something like 793535000007205000. Is there any feature that can be or done on the Quicksight to avoid this data loss.

Hi @ganihar,

Welcome to the QuickSight community, it is great having you here!

About your question, when you export a varchar to a CSV you will get the data with quotes, and if it is an integer you will see it without, something like this.


Can you open the CSV downloaded in a text editor and check that the data appears like this? For what you mention of the data being converted, it might be related to how this file is being opened / converted after downloading.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for your response In the text editor the data looks correct like

Thanks for confirming it, then the export is done correctly, the problem you are experiencing might be related to how this file is being processed.

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Hi @ganihar

To avoid data loss in such cases you can open csv in excel using GET Data option, by using that no data will be truncated, and all the records are visible.

The getdata option worked !! Thanks for your support.