Faster asset/folder management through the UI


I have a pretty simple problem but it has been bugging me.

My problem : I have many datasets and analysis on Quicksight that I share with my Author account colleagues, but I’m having trouble keeping the shared space tidy using shared folders through the UI. What I mean is the process of adding multiple assets to a single folder takes a lot of time because you have to do it one by one, so I tend to not take the time to do it when I’m in a rush and then forget. This leaves some analysis or datasets unshared which is then hard to track.

Request : My request, if this is an issue for other users of course, would be to add the option to select multiple datasets to add to a folder to make it less painful to deal with many datasets.
Maybe even get a prompt to ‘add new dataset to a folder’ at some point during dataset creation so as to think to do it more consistently but maybe that’s just me!

This sounds like a nice idea!

I’ll mark it as a feature request!


I have the same issue. As a workaround, now I navigate to the folder first and then create the dataset or analysis from there.