Feature Request - Chained Parameters

I’d like to request the ability to have a parameter value vary based on the value of another parameter.

My specific use case is a pivot table whose grouping values change dynamically based on a parameter. We have created calculated fields, named Value1/Value2 whose values are set based on the parameter, and are used as the grouping values in the pivot. The problem is that we don’t want to display “Value1” etc as the column names in the pivot table, but instead would like to have the column names be what these values represent.

For example, if the parameter is set to “Geography”, Value1 is defined as the state and Value2 as the city. We’d like the ability for the column names to show as State/City in that scenario. If the parameter is set to “Date”, Value1 is defined as year and Value2 as month, and we’d like the column names to change accordingly. My proposed solution would allow us to create two new parameters named Header1/Header2 that will be used for the column names. Header1 would equal “State” if the grouping parameter is set to “Geography”, and it would equal “Year” if the grouping parameter is set to “Date”.

@jordancuevas ,

thanks for your feedback . Before I tag this as a feature request, can you use the following example ( https://democentral.learnquicksight.online/#Dashboard-TipsAndTricks-Interactivity-Dynamic-Dimensions-and-Measures ) and add a screenshot of what you are expecting in the chained parameters ?

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Hi @jordancuevas,
It’s been a while since we last heard from you. Would you be able to share the requested item from above and then we can add this as a feature request.

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll go ahead and close out this topic.

Thank you!

I’m not sure how to use that link to add a screenshot of a feature that doesn’t exist. More simply stated than in my original post, I’m asking for the ability to allow if/else conditions in the parameter definitions. e.g.

parameter2=ifelse({parameter1}=‘a’, ‘A’, {parameter1}=‘b’, ‘B’, ‘C’)

Hi @jordancuevas,
We meant more of a screenshot of the behavior you currently receive and what’s wrong with it but no worries, I’ll tag this as a feature request to provide additional visibility to the support team.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new post in the community.

Thank you!