Filter 2nd visual based on Field2 which is present in the first visual that is filtered on Field1


I have two tables that have a set of fields. First table has year, month, property_name, campaign ID

Second table has Year, Month, property_name, campaignID, another_property_name, revenue etc.

I am filtering first visual on year, month and a certain property_name which will give me all the campaign IDs that are in this category

Now, I want to filter the second table based on the campaign IDs that are present in the first table.

Can someone please help me figure out how to do this.

Hi @mkswamy - Welcome to AWS QuickSight community and thanks for posting the question. You can achieve this requirement by Navigation functionality. Please see the below link for more details.

Regards - Sanjeeb


Welcome to the community!

I am not sure this is what you want, but you can apply the same filters that you have on your first visual to the second visual. You can change your filter from affecting the single visual to other visuals in the sheet and if you want only to select visuals.

This way based on your filtering of the visual visual if you have specific Campaigns showing up then the second visual is filtered accordingly and per your description the second table will show the additional property name column with details

Additionally, if you want to interactively analyse data based on selections on the first visual you can use the interactions options (from the properties dialogue) and add a Filter action so if you select a specific row on your first visual based on that rows data the second visual can be filtered.

Hope this helps

Hi, Thank you for the response. I tried using actions but the second visual is only filtering for a particular campaign ID when I click on it in the first visual. It does not happen automatically when I select the property filter from the drop-down.

Hi, Thank you for the response but not sure filters will work for my use-case as I do not want to select campaign ID by campaign ID but just filter on a property to get the list of campaign IDS in Visual 1.

Visual 2 should then automatically show me the campaign IDs that are filtered in Visual 1.

Hi @mkswamy

Have you then tried applying the same filters on Visual 2 that are applicable to Visual which was the second option I had described?


Hi Giridhar, That will not work. My requirement is a bit different where I cannot apply the same filters for both visuals.

@mkswamy ,

As I understand, this is currently not possible. Here is another post which I believe had a similar requirement ( Filter one table visual based on other table visual's result - #4 by Koushik_Muthanna ) .

Check if nested filters would work ( Build a market basket analysis dashboard using nested filters in Amazon QuickSight | AWS Business Intelligence Blog ) , though you need the tables to be connected and it works for a single dataset.

Kind regards,

Hi Koushik,

In the post that you shared above, the user is using two different datasets but here I am using the same dataset. Is it still not possible?

@mkswamy ,

did you check if nested filters would work ?
otherwise create a sample in the arena and the expected result , I will check( QuickSight Arena -- An embedded instance of QuickSight within the QuickSight Community )

Hi @mkswamy,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you, did you try out nested filters and if so, did it work for your case?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!

Hi Brett,

I tried nested filters but this is not working for me as well. I am unable to share the data in Quicksight arena as the data is confidential. I am still trying different approaches here

Hi @mkswamy,
While I don’t have a sample dataset with similar fields to your example, I believe you can achieve this through adding an a ‘filter’ action on your first visual:

Choose ‘selected fields’ and pick the fields you’d like to affect the filtering. Then choose the second visual as the only visual under the ‘target visual’ section. This should return only the values that match all of your selected fields.

Let me know if this works for your case, if not then I agree with Koushik that this may be a current limitation.

Thank you!