Filter Check

Hi Team,

For Example
I have a date range filter if I click on single date(Jan 14) it should show count(distinct of the that value)
and if I click on multiple date(jan 1 to jan14) then it should take common value among those dates

Is that possible in Quicksight.

Thanks for your support

Hi @Surendar

If you mean to say you want distinct count by date and then the sum of those distinct values for the date range. That is possible.

If you want distinct count of values for the range, then that is also possible.

If you can clarify what you need then we can suggest an option


Hi Giri,

Thank you for replying.

My doubt was slightly different.
Using the date filter as a range (Condition Between):
I have one visual KPI that shows a value. This visual should work as follows:

  • If I select a single date, it should display Distinct Count of SalesmanCode.
  • And if I click on a range of dates, it should take the common SalesmanCode across all the dates that I have selected.

Could you please guide me on how to achieve this in QuickSight?

Hi @Surendar

Is this what you are looking for?

See 123 and 321 are not counted twice in the range of dates

Hi Giri,

This is for Ranges
Assume you have 123 in Aug 10,2021
so Jul 9,2021 ,Aug9,2021,Aug 10, 2021 has 123 in all the dates which is filtered on the global filter
so 123 is common in the date range so value in KPI should be 1

If I select in range From date July9,2021 to Date July9,2021 then it should show count distinct which is 3

Could you please help me out.

Hi @Surendar

It would handle that as well. I filtered for three different date ranges and you see the results below

Hi @Giridhar.Prabhu

First Scenario
Single date
09 July 2021 to 9 July 2021
we have 123,210,321 so count(distinct JOBID) is 3 which is correct

Range of dates

  1. 09 July2021 to 09 Aug2021
    here we have 123,321 which is common in selected date so it should be 2.
    2.09July2021 to 10 Aug 2021
    here we don’t have common JOB_ID in selected dates so it will be 0

This is the logic
could you please help me out

Hi @Surendar,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you on this thread, did you have any additional questions or were you able to find a work around?

Did you setup a parameter to manage your date control? If so, you can aggregate by your parameter. That way, your distinct count will be run against your start and end date, even if only accounting for one day.

Let us know if you have any additional questions, if we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll close out this topic.

Thank you!

Hi @Surendar

This should work.
