Filter Dashboards dynamically using API

Hello community, I’m looking for a dynamic way to filter my dashboard or analysis based on user_id using an API. I’ve explored options like parameters and row-level restrictions. However, using parameters poses a security risk as it embeds the user id in the URL. Currently, I’m utilizing a single user for QuickSight, making it challenging to implement user-based filtering through row-level restrictions. Are there any alternative approaches or solutions for achieving this? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @eswarpd001

what do you mean by

Currently, I’m utilizing a single user for QuickSight,

Are you using one QS user with more than one person?


Not like that , i have single dataset which contains multiple user data and single iam user for embedding dashboards


Did you checked

This looks relevant , Let me try it out


@ErikG , Tried it out , The requirement for tag based rules needs a string column , where integer based columns won’t work.The anonymous user also changes the pricing tier , which will be a problem for me

Hello @eswarpd001, it sounds like you are trying to utilize a single user account for multiple users, am I correct? The suggestions options above, either implementing RLS per user account or utilizing tag based rules to filter based on an alternative column, are the available options supported by QuickSight. To achieve the solution you are looking for you will likely be required to support more than a single user account in QuickSight.

User-based rules will likely be the best solution for your use case. I will mark this as a solution and link the documentation below. If you have any follow-up questions, please let me know!

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