Filter on names with over 10000 unique names

How can I add a filter control to search for a name with over 10,000 unique values?

Hi @Nakupuna

To filter for a name with over 10,000 unique values. After creating the filter, go to the Filter Controls section and select the Dropdown - Multiselect option. This allows users to use a Search box with a Text input control to type a name and search quickly.

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Thank you. I’ve created a test dataset with a single column with distinct values and the filter worked as expected. Now the question is what prevents said column with bunch of others to make the same filter not work? Are there limitations and documents to refer to?

Hi @Nakupuna

Combining multiple filters across different columns may prevent the filter from working. If you apply filters on several columns simultaneously, the complexity increases and could slow down the rendering of the filter controls. If you have a filter that depends on another filter, it may also cause the filter to not work. You can try resetting the other filters to resolve the issue.

Please refer the below QuickSight filter documentation this might be helpful for you.

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After converting to date the preview in the dataset and the analysis retrieved data correctly.
Issue resolved.