Filter same-sheet visuals default action doesn't update the visual where the action has been created

Does anyone else think that the default ‘filter same-sheet visuals’ action should update the total in the visual on which the action is applied, or is it just me? It seems odd that clicking on a section of a chart doesn’t do this for things like donut charts and gauges. This feels like the intuitive way that a filter action should work. As far as I can see there isn’t a setting where you can force this behavior.

Here’s what I mean, if a visual example is more helpful.
Unfiltered visualVisual after clicking the dark green portion and filtering all visuals on the sheet

In the right hand screenshot I would expect the total to change from 2,402 (the entirety of the displayed data) to 494 (the total of the highlighted portion).

Hi @nate.estrada

it is because you are only filter the target visuals and not the action visual. If so you would only have a green donut. :wink:


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I understand, however that’s why I think the visual portion of the donut should stay the same (highlighted with the rest greyed out) but the number should reflect what is highlighted. The amount of confusion from stakeholders in my organization about why the number remains the same is significant, so clearly users are expecting different behavior.

Hi @nate.estrada -
I will mark this as a feature request and share with product management so that option can be investigated.