Filtering data by date

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to allow the end user (in the published dashboard) to change the aggregation of the event?

For example: When I create an analysis I can change to daily, weekly, monthly. The recipient sees what I chose. Can I enable him to change it also?



Hi @Etai

in the dashboard you can drill up/down like that


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Thanks very much for your help :slight_smile:

I actually have another question regarding that.
Is there a way to produce/assimilate a dropdown that will enable the user to filter?
So he can choose if to transform to minute, day, week etc.

In addition. If I pinup a filter. Can I filter the filter? I mean that I have user and each user has a number of addresses. My chart focuses on a specific user. When I put the filter I get all the addresses and not only those associated with him. Is there a way to do so?


Hi @Etai

you could use a workaround to use dropdown.
By creating different visuals by granularity and show/hide based on the dropdown selection.

if the user is part of the dataset you could use a cascading filter, if not you could use row level security.


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Thank you,

However, I see row level security grants access to specific data at a time. Meaning, If I want him/her to see daily, weekly, monthly I grant access to all of them and then all appear together. Am I right? I want to allow them to choose each one at a time.
Or, Should I allow access to all (daily, weekly, monthly) and then they choose on which one to observe?

Hi @Etai

the RLS option would be more for the “user and each user has a number of addresses”.
As i expect each user should use every granularity.

But yes. With RLS to restrict the user to specific elements.


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Thank you very much :slight_smile: