Filtering Quicksight Issue!


Hope you’re well.

I had a question in regards to filtering.

I currently am developing a dashboard with a 100% horizontal stacked chart and have a column called “Group” in the Y Axis “Count (SUM)” in the Values and “Red/Blue Breakdown” (Not really but as it’s confidential data just using Red/Blue as an example in the “Group/Colour” area, what I want to be able to do is filter out any “Group” that has a value of 5 or less within the “Count(SUM” Field)

The issue I have is that when I set the filter on the visualisation to any number 5 or less it only filters out any value in the “Red/Blue Breakdown” less than 5 (So say for example I have 6 blues and 4 reds in a group, it only filters out the 4 reds leaving the 6 blues still showing up and adding up to 100% in the visualisation, when instead I want the group to be filtered out completely in these instances as this could cause a mis-interpretation in the data), is there any possibly way for me to filter so that the entire “Group” is removed with a value less than 5 rather than just one of the values?

Thank you

Kind Regards

Hi @Mrmalak ,

Welcome to the QuickSight Community!

If I understand your question, you want to filter out a group when at least one of record within the group has a value less than or equal to 5. Please let me know if the requirement is otherwise, with a possible simulated sample data.

If this is what you are looking for, then you may fetch the min value partitioned by group to check if the min value within each group is less than 6 then the category is not valid, else valid. You can then use this calculated field to filter on valid/ non-valid scenario.

Please share more information with sample data (simulated data) in arena, if this is not your use case.


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Hi @Mrmalak,
It’s been awhile since we last heard from you. Were you able to test out the suggestion provided above by Prantika? If so, were you able to find a work around for your solution or do you have any additional questions?

If we do not hear back within the next 3 business days, I’ll go ahead and close this topic.

Thank you!

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Hi @Mrmalak,
Since we have not heard back from you, I’ll go ahead and close out this ticket. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new topic in the community and link this discussion for relevant information.

Thank you!