First 12 Months Since Launch Calculated Field

I am looking to for a calculated field that shows the number of views (view_uuid) in the first 12 months since launch (C.Created_at) for multiple companies that have different launch dates.

Ideally, this parameter/filter can be show on a line graph with month 1, month 2, month 3 etc. as the x axis instead of the actual date and year.

Let me know if you need anymore information.

Hi @Quicksightnewguy,
maybe you can use dateDiffto check the 12 month and ifelse to get the value.

e.g. ifelse(dateDiff({C.Created_at},now(),'MM')<13,1,0)
Then you can use the new field and month in you line chart

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Hey Erik,

Thanks for responding. Your formula worked. However, it’s not charting on the line graph or showing me that month 1, month 2, month 3 etc. I have the date on the X Axis, your formula as the value, but the data isn’t populating and it’s still showing the date on the bottom. I’ve attached a screenshot. I know I’m probably doing something wrong since I’m new to quicksight.

I always start with a table in that case to see if the caltulation is doing anything.

Hi @Quicksightnewguy
did you found an solution?

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Hello @Quicksightnewguy !

Were you able to find a solution for this, or was @ErikG suggestion helpful? If so could you please mark their post as a solution to help the community?

It has been some time since we have heard from you, but would still like to help find a solution. If we do not hear from you in the next 3 days this post will be archived.

Hello @Quicksightnewguy and @ErikG !

It has been some time since there has been activity on this question, but we would still like to help find a solution. Are you still running into this problem or were you able to resolve this, and if so could you share the solution to help the community?

If we do not hear from you in 3 days this topic will be archived.