Gantt Chart Visualization Type

First, I want you to know that QuickSight team has received requests to introduce Gantt chart from other customers as well. It might be added in 2022.

For the time being, you can get results similar to the image below


  1. Create a calculated field called MinDate with expression similar to “minOver(min({Start Date}), [])”. Value of this field will be equal to the earliest date you have in your dataset.
  2. Create a calculated field called Empty Period with expression “dateDiff( MinDate, min({Start Date}))”
  3. Create a stacked horizontal bar chart with Task on the Y axis and Empty Period and Duration of the task on the X axis.
  4. Hide X axis (since you probably don’t want to see numbers on the X axis. Unfortunately there is no way at the moment to show dates on the X axis)
  5. To see dates for the tasks, customize tooltips and show “Start Date” value in the tooltip.
  6. Change color for the “Empty Period” bars to match background of your chart and remove gridlines