Generative BI for embedded users

Hi there,
When I embedded the dashboard for registered users, I wanted to provide them with the Generative BI authoring experience. However, I couldn’t find any documentation to achieve this. So far, I’m only getting the basic QuickSight console experience for my embede registered users.

exports.generateRegisteredSelfServiceGenQAEmbedUrl = async (namespace) => {
const params = {
AwsAccountId: awsConfig.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID,
UserArn: arn:aws:quicksight:${awsConfig.AWS_REGION}:${awsConfig.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:user/${namespace}/${awsConfig.USER_NAME},

ExperienceConfiguration: {
  QuickSightConsole: {
    InitialPath: '/start',
AllowedDomains: awsConfig.ALLOWED_DOMAINS,
SessionLifetimeInMinutes: awsConfig.SESSION_LIFETIME,


const quicksightClient = awsClient.getQuickSightClient();

try {
const data = await quicksightClient.generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser(params).promise();
return data.EmbedUrl;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(Error al generar la URL embebida para usuario registrado: ${error.message});

I double-checked that I can see the Q (panel) icon in the AWS QuickSight official console when I try to create a new analysis.


Try this document, this may help you :slight_smile:

Naveed Ali

Hi @Naveed
Sorry, but the document didn’t help me. :disappointed: Do you know of any repositories (template code) or other documentation that shows how to implement this? Please, it’s very urgent. Thanks in advance.

@Brett @DylanM @andres007 please could you help me it’s very urgent for today- demo presentation. @Naveed is up late tonight.

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Hello @rgtheno, unfortunately, from my understanding of the embeddable authoring experience, topic creation is not currently available. I believe creating a topic can only be done from the QuickSight console directly and it is not available in the embedded console experience or in a separate embedding option.

With the full release of the Q&A embedded experience only being out for a few months, I would keep an eye on the What’s New tab of the community to see when the topic creation feature is added to the embedded QuickSight console.

At AWS, our roadmap is primarily driven by our customers. Your feedback helps us build a
better service. I have tagged this as a feature request. Please let me know if you have any remaining questions, otherwise I can archive this topic for the Support Team. Thank you!

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Hello @rgtheno, since we have not heard back with any further information or questions on this thread, I will archive the topic. If you still need assistance, please create a new question and add a link to this topic to provide relevant information. That will ensure you are at the top of the priority list for a response from one of our QuickSight experts. Thank you!