Geospatial data mismatch

Hello, I am having problem with some geospatial data:
I have this code that are not showed:

this is how I did the hierarchy

as you can see I have country, city and postcode info there

what is going wrong? Is there a way to fix it?

thank you

Hello @remba87!
It looks like you correctly added all the components to the hierarchy. What is exactly the error/issue you are facing?
Perhaps it could be due to the structure of the postecodes you inserted: inserting a space after the first 3 digits (from the internet I saw that Swedish post codes are composed in the following structure xxx xx, thus, for example 14567 would become 145 67).
Please let me know if this was the issue and this approach solves it.

I leave here the official guide to troubleshoot geospatial issues in case the problem you are facing refers to any of the following Geospatial troubleshooting - Amazon QuickSight

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I was going to delete this question, but yes, it was the format of the zip code that was wrong :slight_smile:

thank you