Getting "Parameter validation failed: Invalid length for parameter SessionTags[0].Value, value: 0, valid min length: 1"

I have the following code which is using RLS and it’s working fine with data filtering until I have a session tag like below where I have an empty string. Just wondering what should I do in this scenario, just don’t provide param SessionTags all together, will the customer see everything i.e unfiltered data in this case? Thanks

            ExperienceConfiguration={"Dashboard": {"InitialDashboardId": dashboard_id}},
Session tags: [{'Key': 'tag_application_name', 'Value': ''}]

@Leon ,

GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser - Amazon QuickSight ( There needs to a minimum of 1 item for the session tag) .

Additionally if you try with a whitespace , here is what you get

“errorMessage”: “An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser operation: Tag key cannot be empty or have only whitespaces.”,
“errorType”: “InvalidParameterValueException”,

If you want the customer to see everything, then don’t add a session tag else you need add a value to filter what the customer is allowed to see.

Kind regards,

In this case I don’t want customer to see anything, maybe just empty visuals without data.

Sounds like I can only provide this 1 session tag with a very very special char, is this the only way?