Start your QuickSight journey with these workshops.
Author Workshop - If you are new to QuickSight or looking to build advanced calculations in QuickSight, this workshop is for you. It will provide step by step instructions to grow your dashboard building skills from basic to advanced level.
Admin Workshop - If you are looking to learn administrative features in QuickSight and ways to manage, secure and operationalize QuickSight environments, this workshop is for you.
Learn About Q - Q is QuickSight’s Natural Language Query add on. In this workshop, we cover setting up a topic to bring in specific datasets, enhancing the topic to give Q more context on the data so that Q can answer wider variety of questions and see how to setup row level security for Q.
Anonymous Embedding - Learn how to embed QuickSight dashboards into an open access page. You will learn how to do this for dynamic and static web sites.
User-based Embedding - Learn how to embed QuickSight dashboard and session (full QuickSight experience) into an external web page. This workshop provides step by step guidance on setting up a sample static web page, with Cognito authentication, and embed QuickSight dashboard as well as QuickSight session in it.