Getting Time into a dashboard in HH:MM:SS

I have a dataset that imports into Quicksight as HH:MM:SS but it shows in QS as a decimal, I tried using a Calculated field with the below but I’m getting a syntax error and I can’t figure out how to fix it. duration seconds is the field I want to pull


ifelse({duration_secs}} / 3600 < 10,concat(‘0’,tostring(floor({duration_secs} / 3600))),tostring(floor({duration_secs}} / 3600)))


ifelse(({duration_secs}} % 3600)/60 < 10,concat(‘0’,tostring(floor(({duration_secs}} % 3600)/60))),tostring(floor(({duration_secs}} % 3600)/60)))


ifelse({duration_secs}} % 60 < 10,concat(‘0’,tostring(floor({duration_secs}} % 60))),tostring(floor({duration_secs}} % 60)))


Are you referring to this example?

Can share what is the syntax error message?