Heatmap on a 2D floor map

Hi Team,

I am triying to create a dynamic heatmap from people movement data. I would like to see the result over time on my personal 2D floor map. How can I achieve that ? My coordinates data are also 2D coordinates. Is there a feature to do that ? You can find below what i want to obtain at the end.

hello @nicolasf, hope this massage finds you well!
First, i think that highcharts could be better for this type of graph.
this documentation show some examples:
tell me if it’s work!

Hello @lary_andr, Thanks for your response.
So the only solution is to create the heatmap elsewhere and import it as an image in quicksight, isn’t it ? There is no build-in fonction to do that in quicksight ?

Hi @nicolasf,
QuickSight recently added a new visual type: Layered Maps. Check out the documentation below on how to better utilize them and let us know if this works for your case!