Heatmap sorting


Is there any way to adjust the sorting rationale in a heatmap?
I have a heatmap with different weeks as columns and regions as rows (using a product cost as the values). In the visualization I want to see the latest date in the right side. I’ve seen two ways of sorting:

  1. az
  2. za

Sorting “AZ” will show me the earliest date on the left but as I have a lot of data in my dataset, I am not able to see the latest date to the right. Sorting “ZA” will show me the latest date to the right which is good but I want it in the right side and not left.

Is there any way of doing this?


Look at the secreenshoot and enable the ''SORT OPTOIN" on visual.

finally select the visual order as show in pic.


@ jrbatistap
Following up Naveed’s response, is the issue resolved for you?
